Thursday 6 February 2014

Unrealistic expectations

Just now I was browsing through Pintrest, wasting my time well and I stumbled across this image.

Now, I love an inspirational message as much as any girl (eg, the Ryan Gosling one from yesterday), but this one is NOT inspirational. "This is the last day I am this fat..."?! Messages like that make girls think that they are fat when they are not. It makes them look at this picture of Candice Swanepoel and think "I don't look like her, so I am fat". We are all built differently, we all carry our weight differently. Candice is beautiful and, yes, I would love to have the same incredible DNA she has, but I do not and it doesn't mean that I am not also beautiful in my own way. We have all been taught that we are not good enough, not pretty enough, not sexy enough. But we are! As long as we are healthy we are ALL of those things.

Health is the most important thing, and messages like that make girls think that skinny is healthy. It can be, don't get me wrong, but only if you are naturally slim. If I one day managed to make my body look like hers it would have been achieved by unhealthy methods, as my body cannot look like that unless pushed too far. And I am ok with this. Healthy is eating well, sleeping, drinking lots of water and exercising regularly. Health is not determined by size.

We all need to learn to love our bodies, they are the only bodies we will ever have and we have to look after them. Calling ourselves fat is so dangerous. We begin to believe it and let it poison our confidence. Women naturally have a higher body fat percentage than men, it is natural due to our biological roles as baby makers and we should love this. We should love that the little layer of pudge is there so that one day we can bring another healthy human into the world.

If we eat well and exercise regularly we can achieve the 'best' body possible for us. What we think is the best body depends on ourselves and how we let the media, our friends/family, and our own thoughts influence and affect us. Some women want to be stronger, and more muscly (guilty). Some would prefer to be a little slimmer, and some are happy just the way they are. Whatever you want with your body, please, for the love of God, stay healthy.

A much better 'inspirational' message...

Marie x

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